Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Surprised by the Haus of Waft!

Squeee!  I actually looked at my stats on my Artfire store and found through a listing of referring links that Crushed Velvet & Roses had been mentioned on Haus of Waft in a posting titled:  'The Fragrant Court of Natural Perfumers.'

" I found this little gem on artfire, they are small, but they are all natural. The perfumes have awesome names like “Lulu Honey Vamp” and “Crazy Bitch Aromatherapy Stress Relief Oil”. Don’t underestimate them because they are small, with the ingredients they use, their products pack a wallop of fragrance."

I've been looking for a sign to continue pushing forward and making perfumes and potions - maybe I should start actually paying attention!  Check the posting out, there are a lot of fab perfumers listed, some I even know ; )

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